FAQs on Dental Treatments and Oral Hygiene Tips

FAQs About Dental Treatments And Oral Hygiene Tips

Ans: Saltwater mouthwash can reduce tooth pain. Drinking cold water can also help relieve toothaches. You can use aloe vera gel or buy aloe vera mouthwash in shops. Remember, it's for temporary relief. It's important to see a dentist.

Signs of dental problems are bleeding, bad breath, tooth sensitivity, swollen gums, and redness. They can also include sharp pain when eating or drinking something sweet or hot, jaw and mouth pain, and tooth loss.

No, Tooth removal is done only after anesthetizing the specific area, so there won't be any pain. The discomfort you feel after the anaesthesia wears off following a tooth removal is temporary and less than the pain of an infected tooth.

No, bone alteration is more straightforward in the younger age group and more complex in older age. Bone support and the health of the supporting structure are very important.
It is best to apply braces to teeth between the ages of 10 and 14. At this age, the head and mouth are still growing, and it is easier to straighten teeth.

Removal dentures have two types. There are acrylic dentures and cast partial dentures. These dentures are mainly used when the remaining teeth are intact. They provide benefits for performance, appearance, and oral health.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, Stop smoking and chewing tobacco, Use mouthwash, Brush your tongue, Replace your toothbrush, Floss at least once a day, schedule regular dental checkups, and replace your toothbrush.

Fluoride helps prevent cavities in children and adults by strengthening teeth's resistance to acid attacks. It also remineralizes tooth enamel and helps prevent cavity-causing bacteria.

A cavity is a little hole inside the tooth because of tooth decay. Cavities are built when plaque buildup on the outside of the tooth is associated with sugars and starches in the food you eat. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings can prevent cavities. Another name for tooth cavities is dental caries.

Rinse your mouth, eat tooth-healthy foods, drink some tap water, Avoid snacking and sipping a lot, Brush with fluoride toothpaste after eating or drinking and visit your dentist regularly to prevent cavities.

Sleep dentistry, also known as sedation dentistry, is an excellent option for those who experience anxiety or fear about dental treatments. Crown Dental Centre in Coimbatore has a highly skilled sleep dentistry doctor who ensures patients feel calm and relaxed during their procedures. One key advantage of sleep dentistry is that it allows for a more comfortable experience, especially for extensive treatments that may take a longer time. Patients can receive necessary dental care without the stress and discomfort typically associated with dental visits. Additionally, sleep dentistry can be particularly beneficial for individuals with a low pain threshold, sensitive teeth, or a strong gag reflex. By using sedation, these patients can undergo dental procedures with minimal discomfort. Sleep dentistry also facilitates more efficient dental care. Since patients are relaxed and still, dentists can often complete multiple procedures in a single visit, reducing the number of appointments needed. At Crown Dental Centre, we offer advanced sleep medicine services, including Polysomnography (PSG). PSG is a comprehensive test used to diagnose sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), narcolepsy, and restless legs syndrome. This test can be done in a sleep laboratory using portable devices, providing flexibility and convenience for our patients. If snoring or symptoms of OSA, such as daytime sleepiness, are a concern, a sleep study can help diagnose the problem and guide the development of an effective treatment plan. Treatments may include CPAP therapy, oral appliances, or surgery. In summary, sleep dentistry offers a stress-free, comfortable, and efficient way to receive dental care. With the expertise and comprehensive services at Crown Dental Centre, you can ensure that your dental health is managed in the best possible way. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your consultation.